St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342


Welcome to our webpage!


These children from year 6 were part of the St Amand's dance team who performed at the New Theatre in Oxford recently.


Dr Price came in to dissect a pig's heart. This helped children to consolidate their learning from science and also linked with their guided reading text - Pig Heart Boy. 

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February 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are now halfway through the school year! I am having a wonderful time teaching the Red Kites class and I am so proud of their successes so far. Year 6 continues to be very busy, but exciting, and I expect lots of hard work and responsible behaviour as we continue through the year. There is still so much to look forward to and plenty of fun to be had! A few reminders:



Children should come to school dressed for PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday, including wearing trainers. Children are welcome to bring a spare t-shirt to change into after PE if they wish, especially on very hot or rainy days. Wednesday PE sessions may be indoors (weather dependent) and children should bring shorts and t-shirts for these sessions, or wear them beneath their joggers. Earrings should be removed or covered on PE days.  


Many children in year 6 are free to choose their own reading books from home, or from the school library. Some children are working through our reading scheme and will bring home a well-matched book. This does not mean that they cannot read other books for pleasure too! Children should read a minimum of 4-5 times a week and record this in their homework diary, with a parent/carer signing next to each read. I will check diaries regularly to ensure reading is taking place. Whilst independent reading is acceptable, children should still read aloud or be questioned by parents at least twice a week to ensure they have understood what they have read. Reading aloud is a skill which still needs to be perfected, even in year 6!

We have altered our reading challenge this year. For each read a child completes at home, they will have a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a book of their choice. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning!  

Homework and Spellings

Each week, children should complete homework in their SATs booklets, or other tasks set. From this term, this may include some work on 'Learning by Questions' - this is a platform we use in class regularly and children are all very familiar with. Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Children in year 6 are expected to know all of their times tables and related division facts. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly.

An overview of spellings for the term can be found in spelling books. This outlines the spelling rule for each week and the words for children to learn. These will be tested on a Monday. Children should also know how to spell all of the statutory words for year 5 and 6 – these too can be found in spelling books.


Every day, children should remember to bring to school their homework diary, spelling book, reading book and a named water bottle. Named plimsolls are also required and must be kept in school. Children may bring one blue pen of their choice to use in school if they wish. No pencil cases please.

If you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact me by booking an appointment through the office. As I am St Amand's SENDCo, I am not always in the classroom at the end of the day, but please ask if you need to see me. Mrs George will be teaching in Red Kites all day on a Thursday. 

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Jessica Price


Beautiful Christmas cards and calendars...

Merry Christmas from Red Kites!

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St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342


Welcome to our webpage!


These children from year 6 were part of the St Amand's dance team who performed at the New Theatre in Oxford recently.


Dr Price came in to dissect a pig's heart. This helped children to consolidate their learning from science and also linked with their guided reading text - Pig Heart Boy. 

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February 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are now halfway through the school year! I am having a wonderful time teaching the Red Kites class and I am so proud of their successes so far. Year 6 continues to be very busy, but exciting, and I expect lots of hard work and responsible behaviour as we continue through the year. There is still so much to look forward to and plenty of fun to be had! A few reminders:



Children should come to school dressed for PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday, including wearing trainers. Children are welcome to bring a spare t-shirt to change into after PE if they wish, especially on very hot or rainy days. Wednesday PE sessions may be indoors (weather dependent) and children should bring shorts and t-shirts for these sessions, or wear them beneath their joggers. Earrings should be removed or covered on PE days.  


Many children in year 6 are free to choose their own reading books from home, or from the school library. Some children are working through our reading scheme and will bring home a well-matched book. This does not mean that they cannot read other books for pleasure too! Children should read a minimum of 4-5 times a week and record this in their homework diary, with a parent/carer signing next to each read. I will check diaries regularly to ensure reading is taking place. Whilst independent reading is acceptable, children should still read aloud or be questioned by parents at least twice a week to ensure they have understood what they have read. Reading aloud is a skill which still needs to be perfected, even in year 6!

We have altered our reading challenge this year. For each read a child completes at home, they will have a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a book of their choice. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning!  

Homework and Spellings

Each week, children should complete homework in their SATs booklets, or other tasks set. From this term, this may include some work on 'Learning by Questions' - this is a platform we use in class regularly and children are all very familiar with. Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Children in year 6 are expected to know all of their times tables and related division facts. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly.

An overview of spellings for the term can be found in spelling books. This outlines the spelling rule for each week and the words for children to learn. These will be tested on a Monday. Children should also know how to spell all of the statutory words for year 5 and 6 – these too can be found in spelling books.


Every day, children should remember to bring to school their homework diary, spelling book, reading book and a named water bottle. Named plimsolls are also required and must be kept in school. Children may bring one blue pen of their choice to use in school if they wish. No pencil cases please.

If you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact me by booking an appointment through the office. As I am St Amand's SENDCo, I am not always in the classroom at the end of the day, but please ask if you need to see me. Mrs George will be teaching in Red Kites all day on a Thursday. 

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Jessica Price


Beautiful Christmas cards and calendars...

Merry Christmas from Red Kites!

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