St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Computing at St Amand's

Computing opens up for children the possibility of being key influencers and transformational leaders at a local, national and global level. The development of computational thinking and operational skills calls for the formation of learners who prioritise the importance of justice, equality, truth and the common good of all people. 

Computing is now an integral part of everyday life in education, leisure and business. We want our children to be able to operate in the ever-changing technological world in a positive, responsible and safe way. It is a certainty that children will need to use technology in their futures, whether for studying, leisure, communication or work-related activities. 


The computing curriculum is split into six key sections:

  • Publishing and presenting
  • Programming and coding
  • Computer skills and the internet
  • Multi-media
  • Databases and spreadsheets
  • E-safety 

Children are taught using a range of devices, including bee-bots, iPads and laptops. 

E-Safety - Gooseberry Planet

From year 1 to year 6, children are taught many key aspects of e-safety. As a school, we use 'Gooseberry Planet' to aid our teaching and to access a range of valuable information for children, staff and parents. Technology is rapidly developing and children are exposed to a great deal of digital input from a very young age. It is so important that they learn how to stay safe online.

Each child has a login to Gooseberry Planet so that they can access the site at home. It allows them to play game-based scenarios which test their understanding of what they have learnt in school.