St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Music at St. Amand's

The universal language of Music embodies and gives expression to one of the highest forms of creativity and communication.  The transformational power of music offers all learners a channel to discover their God-given talents.  Music endeavours to enable pupils to give expression to the heights and the depths of their emotions, hopes and longings and may transcend the limitations found in other forms of communication.

Music is, and always has been, an important part of the curriculum. It is a subject in its own right but is closely linked to all other core and foundation subjects. Research has proven that there is in children an inherent ability to respond to and participate in music. We see this first in a baby’s smile when listening to a parent’s song. It is through listening to speech patterns of musical nature that children first imitate and develop language. Nursery rhymes, action songs, songs about counting, fun songs and nonsense songs all provide a natural medium through which we first begin to teach our children. Here at St Amand’s School we believe that Music is both a practical and creative subject which should be of benefit to all of our children in developing co-ordination, imagination, listening skills and the ability to express personal thoughts and feelings with sheer enjoyment and stimulation. We endeavor to teach them how to appreciate music in all forms and give them skills that enable them to participate fully in the making of music.

How is Music Curriculum delivered? (Implementation)

At St Amand's we are very fortunate to use the music programme called 'Charanga', a music platform which offers everything needed to enrich the teaching and learning of music. This programme is specifically designed to cater for each year group.

Our music planning is used to:

  • Set clear goals.
  • Ensure work is matched to pupil’s abilities, experience and interest.
  • Ensure progression, continuity and subject coverage throughout the school
  • Provide criteria for assessment and evaluation and learning.

Every year, the children in Hedgehogs Class are fortunate to have a peripatetic music teacher in from Oxfordshire County Council, to teach them violin.

Inter-House Music Competition

All of the children at St. Amand's School are allocated to one of four Houses and within their House, various cross-curricular events take place.  In May 2022, we had a House Music Competition.  zEach House had a musical era to research (Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Modern) and children were asked to complete some homework based on the musical era for their House.  Entries were to a very high standard and we had a range of work which included biographies of composers, poetry, artwork, fashion for that era and also instruments made from junk modelling materials!  A massive WELL DONE to everyone for your hard work!  Father Andrew and Mr Atkinson (our singing teacher) had the very hard job of judging all the amazing entries.  The winning house was St. Theresa, who celebrated by having a little musical party!  A few traditional games such as musical chairs and musical statues were very popular!


The arrival of some new glockenspiels have proved to be most popular in all classes.  In Hedgehogs Class, Mrs Kershaw led a session with children playing back the notes to various tunes!

Music Opportunities at St. Amand's

There are lots of opportunities for children to build up their confidence playing to an audience, such as at the start and end of Collective Worship.  Piano and singing lessons have proven to be popular with Mr. Atkinson.  Even Mrs Ellery is fulfilling a life long ambition to learn the piano and has weekly lessons!