Our Outdoor Prayer
Now it’s time to say goodbye, thank you God for the Earth and Sky. Lots of things to see and do, nature is part of God's world too. Now it’s time to say goodbye, thank you God for the Earth and sky. Lots of things to see and do, we’re all part of God's world too. Now it’s time to say goodbye, thank you God for the birds that fly
Owls and Rabbit created story stones. They worked in groups of five to think of a good and bad character, a setting, a problem and a resolution. They drew on stones using chalk pens and retold their stoiries using the story stones.
Owls Class making bird feeders, fires and tree art.
Rabbits Class making apple bird feeders and clay faces tree art, fires, den building and goblin homes.
Sycamore Seed Dragonfly Prayer
Creator God,
When I feel small or frightened by the big stuff, may I always be reminded I am never alone, for you are with me always. Your love makes me brave & strong.
Children in both infant classes enjoy an afternoon of Forest Club activities. We dedicate an afternoon each week so that children have access to frequent and progressive experiences of outdoor learning.