St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome back from having a sunny summer holiday; it is the start of what should be an exciting and rewarding year.  I look forward to getting to know you all as the term progresses.  I am very excited to be working with your child throughout the year and I hope that they enjoy their time in Squirrel’s Class.  During this Autumn Term we will be focusing on Fairtrade, including the problems in which people face around the world, especially in El Salvador. Plus, we will be investigating and exploring World War II, including: evacuation, rationing, daily life, the Battle of Britain and the Holocaust.



The children are expected to read at least 3 times a week; please could you ask your child questions about their reading. This needs to be recorded in their Homework Diary as they will be rewarded for the number of times they read at home. As a school, we are trying to encourage all children to read more (regardless of age).  Research shows that the more a child reads the better writer they become, as the child is exposed to a wealth of rich vocabulary within books. Don’t forget, for each read a child completes at home, they will have a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a £5 book token. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning!


Spellings & Other Homework

The children are also expected to learn their weekly spellings.  Your child will bring home an A4 orange book with their spellings in.  If you would like to vary the ways of learning these words, then please come and see me as I have a list of possible activities which I can give you.


Furthermore, the children are expected to complete their weekly Mathletics homework which is set online.  They will also be given some homework on a Friday, which could be anything, based on our work in class.  For example, a comprehension on St David's Day or a project on sculpture.  Mathletics homework is set on a Thursday to be completed within the week and the Friday homework is due in by Thursday the following week.  This enables me to mark their homework book and give it back out the next day.



Our P.E. days are Thursday and Friday.  Earrings should be removed before PE please or better still, not worn to school on PE days. All long hair should be tied back every day but especially on PE days.


If you (or your child) are concerned or worried about anything then please don’t hesitate in contacting the office and I will get in contact with you as soon as I can.


Yours Sincerely


Mrs P Smart

Squirrel Class Teacher

Autumn Term's Topic Web


This year's overview

St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome back from having a sunny summer holiday; it is the start of what should be an exciting and rewarding year.  I look forward to getting to know you all as the term progresses.  I am very excited to be working with your child throughout the year and I hope that they enjoy their time in Squirrel’s Class.  During this Autumn Term we will be focusing on Fairtrade, including the problems in which people face around the world, especially in El Salvador. Plus, we will be investigating and exploring World War II, including: evacuation, rationing, daily life, the Battle of Britain and the Holocaust.



The children are expected to read at least 3 times a week; please could you ask your child questions about their reading. This needs to be recorded in their Homework Diary as they will be rewarded for the number of times they read at home. As a school, we are trying to encourage all children to read more (regardless of age).  Research shows that the more a child reads the better writer they become, as the child is exposed to a wealth of rich vocabulary within books. Don’t forget, for each read a child completes at home, they will have a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a £5 book token. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning!


Spellings & Other Homework

The children are also expected to learn their weekly spellings.  Your child will bring home an A4 orange book with their spellings in.  If you would like to vary the ways of learning these words, then please come and see me as I have a list of possible activities which I can give you.


Furthermore, the children are expected to complete their weekly Mathletics homework which is set online.  They will also be given some homework on a Friday, which could be anything, based on our work in class.  For example, a comprehension on St David's Day or a project on sculpture.  Mathletics homework is set on a Thursday to be completed within the week and the Friday homework is due in by Thursday the following week.  This enables me to mark their homework book and give it back out the next day.



Our P.E. days are Thursday and Friday.  Earrings should be removed before PE please or better still, not worn to school on PE days. All long hair should be tied back every day but especially on PE days.


If you (or your child) are concerned or worried about anything then please don’t hesitate in contacting the office and I will get in contact with you as soon as I can.


Yours Sincerely


Mrs P Smart

Squirrel Class Teacher

Autumn Term's Topic Web


This year's overview
